The Natural Spring, which The Spring Community is built around, was once called Sanlando Spring; renamed from Hoosier Spring in 1926.
In 1926 Mr. Frank Hoosier, a land developer, built a dam on the Little Wekiva River, raising the water level of The Spring and making it suitable for swimming.
Mr. Hoosier built a hotel and swimming pool, landscaped the surrounding area with tropical plants, and made it the premier playground of Central Florida. The recreational area for The Springs Community was then known as Sanlando Tropical Park.

Following the Great Depression Mr. Moses Overstreet repossessed Sanlando Tropical Park. He greatly improved the atmosphere of the park by adding over 10,000 azaleas. By featuring special aquatic programs with prominent personalities Mr.Overstreet declared Sanlando Tropical Park “the most complete facility contributing to the post-war redevelopment of Florida.”
In 1950 Mr. & Mrs. J.E. Robinson acquired Sanlando Tropical Park. They improved and expanded the park by adding a dive platform and water slide. Between 1950 and 1970 Sanlando Tropical Park remained open to the public as a popular recreational spot for all to enjoy.
To the disappointment of many but to the good fortune of those lucky enough to have lived or will live in The Springs Community, Sanlando Tropical Park was acquired and privatized by Mr. Earl Downs in 1970. Mr. Downs transformed The Park into what has become known as simply “The Springs”.